Monday, August 3, 2020

Making Learning Contagious VIRTUALLY

Now more than ever, we must strive to make our teaching so engaging that students are bound to catch it - curiosity, the desire to want to know more.

The first 2 weeks is all about getting to know your families and helping everyone to get connected and navigate, so make it fun!  You know that guidelines are going to be very fluid in the beginning, so focus on what is going to stay the course = making connections and building relationships.

  1. Use Flipgrid to introduce yourself and have your students (even their families) introduce themselves.  Plus, you'll be introducing a great technology tool to connect authentically and collaboratively with your students all year. 

            Students and families will love getting to see you and you can share your joy and excitement about the beginning of school.  No matter how you may actually feel about all the complications, I'm sure you are very excited to connect with your new students.  Their videos will provide a great way to assess so many areas: speaking, vocabulary, syntax, interests, technology ability, as well as give you a glimpse into their personalities.

  2. First day pictures - ask your families to send you a first day of school picture and complete a list of favorites.  You can then create a Google Slide for each student, creating a virtual classroom wall. 
  3. Real books in the hands of your students is key during this era of online teaching.  I teach 2nd graders and studies upon studies have shown that printed text is easier for students to access and limits the eye strain which occurs after hours of on-screen time.

    *Create a GoFundMe or Donor's Choose project or simply ask your friends and families for donations.  That's what I did.  Kids NEED books in their hands!  books-science-supplies-oh-my

  4. Weekly conferences - individual or small groups.  You know that as a teacher that this is where the real magic of teaching happens.  This is where you encourage, support, give specific feedback, and assess.  I did this in the Spring and I was utterly amazed at how much data I was able to collect when students read to me, showed me their mathematical thinking, or just shared what interested them. 

  5. Every class meeting should have some element of fun.  You know that kids try harder and are more engaged when they just know that you are going to bring something that sparks joy into the lesson - silly jokes, share-n-tell, directed drawing, a read aloud, Kahoot, scavenger hunt something you know that is going to elicit glee! Of course, you'll make it educational, but the point is to continue to make learning contagious and that's only going to happen because of your investment.

  6. Create interdisciplinary units which allow for authentic application and collaboration.  For example, students complete a Favorite Number or I am Poem project or Google Slide and then share about themselves in via Flipgrid.

  7. Packets or printed materials are a must.  Think about the essential standards and make sure those are what are addressed, however, include some fun educational activities, as well, such as Take Home Science Kits.  Students need printed text,  to write on paper, show their thinking in math, and let's face it technology fails sometimes and digital learning can be exhausting.


  8. Create tutorials, videos and graphics, showing students around their virtual classroom (Google Classroom, Teams, Schoology).  In this way, you are duplicating yourself, providing necessary information immediately.

  9. Provide guidance about how to set up a home learning environment for families.  Your input may inspire some creative ways to make learning at home a contagiously joyous experience.

Though there is much I can't control, there is a lot more that is within my control.  And, that is my responsibility, but more significantly my JOY!

Join me and tell me how YOU plan to MAKE LEARNING CONTAGIOUS this year!

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